Auckland civil construction services
We can do everything on your property from the ground up. At GilesCivil, we offer a range of services for all aspects of civil construction, as well as assisting in any pre-construction and post-works requirements.

Land development
Our civil construction team can carry out all the construction in the greater Auckland area and North to subdivide land from two lots to over one hundred. We can do land clearing, removal of contaminated material, demolition, sediment control, traffic management, earthworks, drainage, retaining walls, underground services, roading, kerb and channel, footpaths, street lighting, topsoil and grass seeding.

Body Corporate and School Maintenance
We can do everything that is on your property that is outside your building! New work or repairs: we can do drainage, retaining walls, carpark, roading, repairs and construction, line marking, kerb and channel, footpaths, concrete, hot mix, water blasting, repairs, and construction.

We cover all your drain laying needs. Our licenced and certified drainlayers are confined space trained. We are also a WaterCare approved contractor able to work on the WaterCare infrastructure.

Retaining walls
See us for all types of retaining, including timber and steel piles, crib, gravity, gabian, anchored, cantilever, counter-fort, and mechanically stabilized earth (MSE).

Roading and carparks
Roundabouts, road widening, footpaths and parking: our team can undertake most types of roading projects.

We can lay new and repair of footpaths using Hotmix, concrete, cobblestones or permeable pavement.

Underground services
We can do trenching and ducting for power, phone, water and gas services.

Earth moving
We have a large range of earth moving equipment – bulldozers, compactors, excavators, trucks and digger – and the skilled, certified, experienced drivers to expertly handle them.

Rock breaker
We have a range of excavators capable of rock breaking.

Traffic management
We have a qualified Site Traffic Management Supervisor (STMS) and Traffic Controller 1 (TC1) on staff.

We are able to do survey set out and machine control.

GilesCivil are the Auckland civil contractors to call for drainage, retaining walls, carparks, roading, earthmoving, subdivision, land development and civil construction services. If you’ve got a civil works project, we can do the lot. Call 09 415 870.

Physical Address:
533 Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland 0792
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 303-263, North Harbour, Auckland 0751